International Women’s Day: A Tribute to Innovation, Empowerment, and the Art of Waxing

By Waxing The City

Waxing the City, brought to life by the visionary founders Summer Vasilas, Alex Arlotta, and Marilyn Hartshorn, stands as a testament to the transformative power of a simple idea fueled by passion and dedication. As we delve into the founders’ insights, we celebrate not just their entrepreneurial journey but the essence of what makes Waxing the City a beacon of excellence in the beauty industry.

From Passion to Empowerment: The Founders' Vision

The inception of Waxing the City was sparked by a desire to elevate the waxing experience, to shift it from an afterthought to a specialized, celebrated service. Summer Vasilas, inspired by the success stories of beauty pioneers before her, envisioned a waxing-only studio that would not only offer unparalleled service but also educate and empower both clients and estheticians. 

Conducting market research in the early 2000s revealed a gap in the market for exclusive waxing-only establishments, presenting a significant opportunity. We aimed to solve this problem by offering a dedicated space for exceptional waxing experiences, focusing on doing one thing exceptionally well,” says Summer.

Alex Arlotta, moved by Summer’s passion and recognizing the lack of focus on waxing in the beauty industry, saw the potential to revolutionize the experience, making it less about the discomfort and more about the artistry and care involved.

I had actually found someone that was as passionate about the industry, my clients, and the client experience as I was. My inspiration came from the lack of education around waxing for both Estheticians and the client. Waxing has always been this service that everyone says ‘you just have to suck it up and it’s going to be awkward and hurt’… but we knew better. We made the concept viable because we started talking about it, at the time nobody was talking about waxing, we normalized it for all types of people.”

Marilyn Hartshorn brought the financial acumen, ensuring the dream was grounded in viable business practices, emphasizing the importance of taking care of both the staff and the finances to create a sustainable model of excellence.

Overcoming Challenges with Creativity and Community

Starting with no funds but a wealth of passion, the founders faced and overcame numerous challenges.

Summer explains that, “One prominent challenge we faced was pioneering the concept of a waxing-only establishment, a novel idea at the time. The lack of awareness necessitated a concerted effort to spread the word. To overcome this, we implemented a comprehensive guerrilla marketing strategy, including unconventional methods like distributing flyers, where amusing encounters, such as mistaking waxing for ski waxing, added an element of humor to our promotional efforts.

Engaging in local community events and introducing innovative initiatives like ‘Wax on Wheels’, where we traveled to clients’ houses for wax parties, helped us connect with potential customers.”

From the unconventional location of their first studio—an interior space on the third floor of an office building, with no outdoor signage—to the pioneering nature of their concept, they leveraged guerrilla marketing, community engagement, and word-of-mouth to spread the word. Their innovative approaches, “Wax on Wheels” and engaging in local events, not only introduced their services to a wider audience but also built a strong community base that supported their growth from a single studio to a nationally recognized brand.

A Philosophy of Excellence and Care

The unique brand philosophy of Waxing the City is deeply rooted in creating an exceptional experience for every client and a fulfilling career for beauty professionals. This philosophy has guided every decision, from the meticulous development of their proprietary wax to the comprehensive training program for Cerologists.

At the core of our approach is a commitment to delivering outstanding customer service, going beyond the mere removal of hair,” states Summer. “We prioritize creating an overall experience, emphasizing the Client Experience Culture that we teach alongside our waxing techniques. Training, a key passion of ours, played a pivotal role. We developed a world-class training program to ensure our Cerologists consistently deliver exceptional results across all 150+ studios.

Another critical element is the emphasis on quality products and services. Our proprietary wax, developed through an extensive two-year collaboration with top manufacturers and chemists, has remained unchanged since 2008. We meticulously tested formulations, gathering feedback from Cerologists and clients to perfect soft and hard wax formulations. These waxes, crafted with high-quality organic ingredients sourced from the EU, adhere to the strictest standards.”

The founders’ commitment to breaking stigmas within the beauty industry and fostering a positive, inclusive culture has been key to their success and remains the heartbeat of the brand.

Waxing the City differentiates itself through a relentless focus on consistency, quality, and creating a learning environment that benefits both clients and Cerologists. By fostering a culture of sharing and improvement, they ensure that every service is not just a transaction but an experience that exceeds expectations. This approach has allowed them to introduce additional services like Lash Lifts and Brow Lamination, further enhancing the client experience and setting new standards in the industry.

Empowering the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs

To aspiring entrepreneurs, especially women in the beauty industry, the founders offer advice rooted in their own journey:

The beauty industry transcends mere aesthetics; it’s about instilling confidence and comfort in individuals. Prioritizing customer satisfaction is another key element, fostering loyalty and generating invaluable word-of-mouth referrals. Building a robust team is equally crucial; recognizing that people build businesses underscores the importance of investing in both your team and company culture,” states Summer. 

Alex also shares to, “Surround yourself around others that have your same passions but might have a different outlook. I think it’s important to have people that challenge you or make you think differently. I also think it’s important to surround yourself with people who have skills that you don’t have, this kind of partnership is super valuable. Seek out a mentor and follow other people in the industry that you aspire to be like. Gain as much experience as you can before jumping into your own business.”

A Celebration of Empowerment and Beauty

Waxing the City is not just about achieving smooth skin; it’s about the journey towards empowerment, excellence, and the celebration of individual beauty. The founders’ story is a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs and a reminder that with passion, resilience, and a focus on creating meaningful experiences, the possibilities are limitless.

In the spirit of the founders’ journey, Waxing the City invites you to join us in celebrating the art of waxing and pampering, the power of community, and the beauty of empowering one another, today and every day.