No matter if you’re a waxing pro or new to the world of wax, there are a few things your Cerologist wants you to know to ensure each appointment is an experience you look forward to. We asked and they answered: here are the top 9 things your Cerologist hopes you know:

1. It’s a Judgement-Free Zone

Worried about what your Cerologist will think about your appearance? Don’t. This might be the most common worry many people have going into any waxing salon. What if I’m too hairy? What if I look different from other women? Stop yourself right there! Our Cerologists have performed services on thousands of women and men, so they’ve seen it all. For them, your appointment is another opportunity to help you look and feel confident, so if you’re worried that you’re too hairy or look too different, know that there is no such thing at Waxing the City.

2. Preparation Is Key

If you want your results to be smooth and long-lasting, what you do before your appointment is important. There are several things you should avoid before your wax. This includes sunbathing, working out, drinking alcohol and trimming. The harsh UVA/UVB rays can cause potential inflammation while working out can cause the wax to not adhere to your skin. Trimming before waxing is a big no-no, no matter how tempting, and remember, your hair should be at least a quarter inch in length (think the length of a grain of rice) when you’re getting a wax.

3. Ask The Questions!

Whether you’re a first timer or a Club Orange member, you will always have questions about the procedure, products, aftercare or your Cerologist’s recommendations. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions or express any concerns you might have. After all, this appointment is for you. Your Cerologist wants you to feel comfortable; if you want your end result to look a certain way, don’t be afraid to speak up. Once you have all your burning questions answered, you’ll be able to relax throughout your appointment and enjoy being smooth as ever!

4. Leave It to The Pros

Resist the temptation to DIY your wax. Unless you’re an at-home waxing expert (and no, watching YouTube videos on how to wax does not count), leave hair removal to a trained professional (see: Cerologist). At-home waxing leaves a lot of room for error and chances are things could go very wrong, very fast. DIY waxing casualties include, but are not limited to: burns, bruised skin, rogue hairs left behind and more. Doesn’t sound like the smooth, flawless look you were going for. Trust us when we say: it’s not worth it!

5. Put Down That Razor

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, shaving before your wax is a big no. If you’re really looking to be hair free, you should be growing your hair out for at least three to four weeks before coming in for your wax. That means no shaving in between! Obviously, everyone’s hair grows at a different pace, but you should be looking for hair that’s at least a quarter inch in length. Our custom wax wraps around the entire hair and in order for the wax to lift the hair successfully, it needs something to hold onto! Not only that, but you won’t get as smooth of a finish and this causes your hair to grow back even faster.

6. Exfoliate & Moisturize

Refer back to number 3 where we said your results are dependent on preparation. Part of that preparation includes exfoliating and moisturizing prior to your appointment. This ensures that your skin and your hair are as soft as possible, which makes the waxing process much easier and more thorough. Start gently exfoliating about a week or so before your appointment. This helps all those hairs break through and makes it much easier for your Cerologist to pull them from the root. If you’re looking for a great exfoliator and body moisturizer, try out these two products that you can find at any Waxing the City studio:

  • Minimo Perk Whipped Coffee Body Scrub: This coffee scrub is perfectly hydrating. It’s made with caffeine-rich ground coffee, macadamia nut oil and gentle brown sugar. Not only is it a great exfoliant, but it also helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.
  • Lalicious Hydrating Body Butter: This body butter is amazing for rejuvenating dry skin. Made with shea butter and safflower oil, it seals in moisture and leaves skin silky smooth. It also contains aloe vera and Vitamin E which nourishes and protects your skin to keep you looking radiant before and after your appointment.

7. After Care Is Important

When your Cerologist gives you dos and don’ts after your appointment, pay careful attention. The 48 hours after your appointment require extra care and caution. One of the most important tips is to stay out of the sun. Your skin is going to be delicate and sensitive after your wax, which means it’s more susceptible to those strong U.V. rays. It can be tempting to go straight to the beach in that bikini after your fresh wax, but schedule your beach days around your wax appointment. Plus, swimming in water can expose your delicate skin to bacteria, so you may want to stay landside. It’s also important to avoid excessive sweating. This means staying away from hot yoga, saunas or intense workouts. Your Cerologist wants you to love your wax, and your results are dependent on following after-care instructions.

8. You Have Options

Your wax appointment is for you and about you! Your Cerologist wants you to know that no matter what service they’re providing, you have options to personalize your experience and look. Remember when we said to dialogue with your Cerologist? We weren’t joking. Our Cerologists are a lot of things, but one they’re not: mind readers! Only you know what type of bikini shape you want or how much hair you want removed, so communicate that with your Cerologist. The offerings listed at any studio are just an outline of services, you can personalize whatever you want so that your wax is exactly what you’re hoping for. Nothing makes us happier than a client who loves their results.

9. Timing Is Everything

There are a couple things you should consider when scheduling your appointment. Waxing too soon after your previous wax is something you want to avoid in order to make sure you have adequate regrowth of us to remove. Again, it depends on your hair-growth speed, but try to aim for an appointment at least 3-6 weeks after your last appointment. And this goes without saying, but time your wax appointments around your social events. Whether it’s a wedding or a pool party, you don’t want your wax to be the day before for the reasons listed above. Ask your Cerologist for their recommendation on when to pre-book your next wax. Want to make things really simple? Join Club Orange, our loyalty program designed to make booking your appointments easy while saving on the services you love!

More questions? We’re here to help!

Reach out to the Cerology team at a studio near you.